
Showing posts from December, 2018

Dr. He and his CRISPER babies

Publish or perish is a rule that operates in the world of science. More and more scientists publish alone or with their peers as soon as possible and as often as possible. Ideas, reviews, research papers, notes, and short notes in the best possible referred journals, or periodicals of some repute are all that aimed at. In the hindsight is psyche of being the first amongst equals, to be counted amongst few and to earn the recognitions of the sort as rewards. If you expect your innovation, invention to be of monetary value, then it means filing of patents, as many as possible and as soon as possible. Priority is a need of the hour. It is money all the way if it is commercialized. Recent developments in biotechnology and medical fields have brought to closer to radical solutions of various diseases.     All along is also a rule of accountability enshrined within each of these activities. Publications must be original, and not the copy or infringement of earlier literat...