We are roadies-Part II (Nagpur-Nandura-Ajanta Caves-Nagpur): Covid19 killed many, but did not tear apart the social fabric of Indians
23 February 2022 Covid19 pandemic affected everyone. Many lost their lives due to it and more so due to lack of medical facilities. But it did not tear apart the social fabric of most that the Indian society has woven around itself. So, after the second wave of this disease during March-April 2021, we accepted an invitation to attend the marriages and receptions of daughters of our three friends in Delhi during May to December 2021 despite reservations of our daughter for our safety. We hosted our relatives in our home in June-July and Nove-December 2021. We also visited Mumbai to see our daughter and her family for a week in October 2021. Then, we (I and my wife) went to visit many tourist and religious places on our route through Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat by road to Mumbai in the last week of December 2021. In January 2022, Covid19 finally caught me up in Mumbai despite my best efforts to keep it away with preventive measures and with two doses of vaccine earlier i...