Zero Budget Natural Farming-An obscure unscientific farming option


Zero budget natural farming meeting in Oct 2019 in Delhi


It is only recently I read that the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the premier body of agricultural scientists in the country, requested the Government of India not to waste its efforts and resources for the obscure Zero budget natural farming. The Academy on its part had deliberated this concept (and practice) in its meeting and had invited its proponent, Mr Subhash Palekar to talk about it in its meeting. Mr. Palekar did not attend the meeting for the reasons best known to him. Last time, I heard about this gentleman attending a meeting was in a gathering organized by Isha Foundation. With the award of Padma Shri, Palekar now carries an aura for many in this country, but certainly not for many more who would critically like to know what he is proposing is scientifically correct and logically understandable. I have also read an article in Marathi newspaper challenging Mr Palekar to validate his method of Zero Budget Natural Farming for the claims it make. Other than these, I have not known about this man or his concept of natural farming.

Natural farming is the recent addition to our knowledge consequent of organic farming that has gained some ground amongst the well-to-do farmers and well-to-eat consumers. Organic farming does not believe in using chemicals like fertilisers and pesticides for crop production and protection. It does not advocate use of chemicals during post-harvest. It is not against use of high yielding varieties, nor against use of mechanisation in cultivation or storage until the produce reaches the consumers. Organic farming would like supply of essential soil nutrients through natural resources like manures, and other farm waste. Yet, organic farming allows use of fermentation products of microbes like use of bacteria or fungi for pest control. A step further in this direction is use of insecticides like spinosad, emamectin benzoate, pyrethrum which may have organic origin, but are similar to any other acute poison in their action. Quite interestingly, while organic produce has to have organic sources for its production, inorganic sources like plastics of various kinds is acceptable to pack them and sell to the consumers who finds everything wrong with the modern farming practices. 

Natural farming as the term denotes is a retrograde step, going back to ages when agriculture was in its infancy and what was produced on the farm with hands or elementary tools considered as natural as possible. I am not sure what ZBNF would like itself to be in time concept. Mr Palekar advocates some concoctions based up on cow urine, dung, curd for use on the farms. He call them "beejamrit" (seed treatment with uring, dung and soil), jiwammrit (again mix of urine, dung, jaggary, dal flour and soil) to rejuvenate soil with 500 crore microbes, waaphasa (soil aeration) by allowing crop residues to ferment with irrigation. He insists on using local resources, but have no problem in selling waste decomposer priced at Rs 20 per bottle. What kinds of standards he has for these concoctions is any body's guess. How will they be effective and farmers not deceived in the name of natural products? All these he claims are without any costs, for everything carries costs. Even nominal costs are costs and for poor farmers, everything matters. Again the proponents do not shy away from making exaggerated claims of crop productivity. For instance, he claims to get yields of about 40 tons of basmati rice per hectare with this technique, unbelievable as it appears to anybody in agriculture  (in an interview with Sindhu Vijayakumar on the 4th Jan 2018 published in Timers of India). It is only recently in 2018 that rice productivity in India has crossed 2.5 ton per ha with all technological inputs.

Natural farming also claims that 98% of nutritional needs of crops are met from the nature only. Probably true if we leave the plants to produce whatever they can . But for realising maximal crop yields, this is certainly not true. Not all nutritional needs are available in all soils or air or water in the forms for plants to assimilate, and hence, supplementing these has become a necessity for the farming in recent times. 

Natural farming as the name denotes is a retrograde step to organic farming and takes us back to ancient times. Believe me, not everything in ancient times is right and acceptable in contemporary times.

Not content with its poor acceptance amongst the farmers, proponents of ZBNF are deflecting attention from its nitty gritty-components and their use to accuse others, especially agricultural scientists and conscious farmers of undermining agroecology. The basic tenets of scientific farming is based upon agroecology, ecological basis of farming which include right conditions of crop husbandary and also management of biotic and abiotic constraints. Without these principles, no farming can ever be performed. Yet, Sujata Byravan in her article on 25th Sept 2019 in the Hindu covered up the story of ZBNF under the title, "The attack on agroecology", an  offensive broadbased to confuse people, make them believe in the sinister designs of the Academy, and continue with this pseudo-science of natural farming. 

Sujata also feels that this is a fight between corporate lobbies with vested interests and the proponents of ZBNF, disguised under the broad umbrella of agroecology. This is stooping low as it is common knowledge that funding of corporates to the individual scientists for the projects in agriculture is not comparable to what the Government spends on agricultural research and development. And no scientist will risk his job to please the corporates with ad-hoc projects.

If proponents of ZBNF are so sure, they should not miss a single opportunity in any fora of their liking or disliking to defend their concepts. Subash Palekar did gross injustice by not accepting invite of the Academy and presenting his credentials to the well-respected Academy. Let us hope that Andhra Pradesh which has committed itself to ZBNF utilises the budget more sensibly, and other do not fall in the trap of misguided farm approaches.

PS: I read with great interest todays' feature on 'A Patidar's hukum on organic farming' page 16 Timeos of India Mumbai 3 Aug., 2022. Hukumchand Patidar belonging to Manpura village of Jhalawar in Rajasthan came into limelight with 'Satya Mev Jayate' interview with Aamir Khan for his organic farming. A school dropout is now a part of ICAR's committee on drafting a curriculum on Prakratik Evam Govansh Adharit Krishi [natural and cow centered agriculture]. He did not spell out his prescriptions in details, but holding soil in hand, he asks, Do you know what goes in to this soil?. And answers, pure ghee, milk, cow dung, cow urine, water of pulses, jaggery and soil from banyan tree. This mix is combined and sprayed according to the sun's position. The chemical properties of the mix nourish the soil to the extent required for the product to become nutritious, says Patidar. 

Quite interesting, that Patidar who loathe use of chemicals in the soil talks about chemical properties of the mix.

At one place, he says, "The biggest myth I have dispelled is that natural farming does not ean no use of chemicals". 

If so, what chemicals does he recommend? There is no mention. 

Further, after reading extensively books at the Asian Agri history foundation, he says, I realised that without understanding the basics of chemistry, astrology, astronomy, geology, soils, anatomy, human behaviour and the market, I will never excel in the new course of my life.

No, this is great myth he has added. 

In view of above, I have not heard of anyone using an expertise that India has offered its expertise in natural farming to the developed countries in the recently held G7 conclave in Germany in June 2022. 

Jai Ho 





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