Letter to Dr. Jiankiu He (Creator of the first CRISPR edited babies) and the Russian Covid19 vaccine

Dear Dr He,

                Hope you are doing fine, where-ever you are. Just few days back (in the first week of August  2020), I heard about Russian vaccine against coronavirus, Covid19 that is causing pandemic all over the world. So far, Covid19 infection has risen to more than 24 millions and taken a toll of about 824, 000+ deaths all over the world. India is the 3rd largest country with more than 3.2 million cases of Covid19 infection and about 60000 deaths so far. Brazil ranks 2nd in the list and USA tops. It is a bit of consolation for me. 

                    So, the news of Russian vaccine is a welcome one. An internet search shows that human trials on this vaccine were completed in mid-July by Sechenov University's medical centre. And hence  followup of large scale production and vaccination is to be expected. Some countries expressed surprise, and few indignation at the speed with which Russians stole a march in discovery of vaccine. Probably in their surprise and indignation was a bit of jealosy. This week, I read that Chinese had done the same in July vaccinating many people. However, this news is a news, nothing much. But for Russian vaccine, it is now race for some nations to get as many doses or manufacture it locally using Russian technology.

                    What surprises me is the muted response of the western world to Russian vaccine. Had it been coming from the third world countries, it may have been vociferous loaded with questions, showing pitfalls, expressing doubts and possible loss of life due to faulty inadequately tested vaccine and fixing up of responsibility for those those who developed it and the country as a whole. Here it is not so. 

                    When you used CRISPR technology for editing genes, response of the western world was so terrible that even your Govt fell in line and did not save you from the incarcination that you are in. But for the Russian vaccine, it is not terrible response from the West. 

                    In my opinion, both you and Russians used shortcuts to expedite the cures. You did it for babies that may not suffer from HIV infection by editing CCR5 gene as their parents were HIV positive. Russians used shortcuts to find vaccine for Covid19. Russians will not be castigated because the covid vaccine has official blessings. And their standard explanation will be so much sufferings of humans that the world is seeing. Therefore, under these circumstances, less rigor of vaccine testing can be ignored as against the sufferings that Covid19 has brought to humans. In your case, joys of parents to see that their twins do not contract HIV will not be felt by others. So, it is quantity that makes the difference for many. Will the parents of CRISPR edited babies see that way this cure that you offered? Their babies are a bundle of joy, worth millions of the lives that Covid vaccine will save.

                Dr He, here is a lesson. It is simple. Who is your mentor and how much backing he provides you? Unfortunately you lost the case, simply because of lack of mentor and backing. Russian vaccine, even if it causes some concerns (similar to that your CRISPR editing has), will still be winner.

                History will judge you later, hopefully more kindly. Probably the sequence of things was similar when test baby named Louise Brown was first borne in  mid-July 1978 through in vitro fertilization (IVF) of egg and sperm of the parents by scientist, Roberts Edwards and gynaecologist, Patrick Steptoe in Manchester. There was indignation too. IVF guidellines came later. Today, all those wishing a baby but can not conceive it naturally in view of infertility owe all their joys to the initiative of these two IVF pioneers. 

                                    With regards,

                                                                                                                Sincerely yours


                                                                                                                    Govind Gujar





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