Language that we use

 A post (related to motivational speech dated 11 Dec 2016 at Rotary Club in Chennai) I watched and shared on LinkedIn just now, urges a need to use sweet language irrespective of the circumstances or hopelessness of the meeting you are in. Why? Because, everything else that comes out of human body stinks, be it sweat, exhalation, urine, excreta, etc, etc. 

Yesterday and today while watching TV programmes on the Hathras killing of a daughter of poor parents of backward class, we watched in horror the way DM explained to the parents of victim a need to side with administration and not to follow the demand for justice voiced by the media, as media will not be with them for all times. Now, spokesmen of the establishment are justifying crudeness and arrogance of police and admn, initiation of inquiry against victim’s parents, wrongful banning of movement of media which was reporting the case vehemently against all odds in the TV debates. A TV anchor of the programme I watched continued to address that, that spokesman of the establishment, Sir.  And this is dignified restraint of an anchor. I felt he deserved F/B word loud and clear. I am wrong. 


One moment, one accident, one incidence, one instance, one fall, one defeat, one slap, one loss, one suggestion, one advice, one visit should become a defining moment of life to transform. I feel transformed.

 TRANSFORMATION takes a moment only. Choice is yours.


Photo credit: to whatsapp/internet


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