Guru Pournima (Full moon day in honour of teacher): Remembering a teacher in my student

 At the outset, I wish you all a very happy Guru Pournima, which falls on 23 July this year. This auspicious occasion is celebrated to honour the birthday of Sage Veda Vyasa, who authored the Mahabharat and compiled Vedas, our ancient literature on Hindu civilization. So, in his honour, this day is celebrated in India to honour teacher community. This day is also known as Vyasa Pournima and Ashadha Pournima, latter after Hindu calender month of Ashada that falls during June-July.

There is teacher (Guru) in each one of us. So, one day (during 1993-94), I happened to see my graduate student, KMS taking notes of my instructions. He was using a small note pad easy on shirt pocket. I found this quite appealing and adapted it. Often I will scribble something or that note of something that interested me. As spiral notepad was only of 20-30 pages, it will get filled within 1-2 months. As it is light weighted, it will not hang on my shirt pocket, maintaining creese of shirt that I wore. Sometime, note pad will have pen to keep company or the latter will be in my pant pocket. I keep this habit, even now six years after my retirement.

As I write this blog, I dug into some random note pads lying here and there (that is problem with me). And here is a sample of notes (see photo) that I took of conversation with Prof. Dr. Uttamrao Satpute, my Sr who worked as an entomologist at Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. And you will remember that this is related to pesticides in cotton crop in Oct. 2017 where some died due to pesticide poisoning and many suffered. As the cotton season is in offing, this is a stark reminder on appropriate use of pesticides and need to implement integrated pest management. Another image is related to seed Act as applicable to Bt cotton seed. Bt cotton seed is still important issue and so is resistance evolution in the target bollworms to Bt toxins. Insect Resistance management is essential to ensure sustainability of Bt cotton, especially in the Indian context. 

Although bundling these notepads and keeping yearwise track of them was not my cup of tea, this habit served me right in my career. I overcame my forgetfulness to a great extent. I did not have to ask again for the instructions from my supervisors and beg for pardon for forgetting their instructions. I used these notes to expand my knowledge on the subject. I used this habit to remember the work I needed to do.  I tried to enthuase this habit in others. I succeeded to some extent. Very true, life's learnings are endless, teachings are limitless and sifting what suits you is perpetual.



So, on this auspicious day, I remember Dr. KMS for inculcating a good habit and wish him and his family, his friends and all the best. 

Once again, HAPPY GURU Pournima to all my teachers and you all.


  1. So true .. very well written.

  2. Thank you Doctor so much! I'm very happy to read your blog. You remember about my work and you kept it in mind till today. I'm ,may be your follower,also doing the same practice of maintaining note pads and they are so many that it becomes difficult to open. But whenever I open some I get good amount of knowledge and my knowledge appetite gets fulfilled. I dig some and try to share to friends after about 18 years of retirement.
    You wrote in a very nice . language Thanks again!

  3. I often remember my college roommate who taught me time management. She may not have realized this at that time that she gave me this great virtue which created significant impact on my life .

    1. Hi, recalling your college roommate and showcasing her as a teacher. Great. I am humbled by your acknowledgement of your roommate's advice. I often aspired to manage time, but failed to implement faithfully. You are reminding me to try it again. Thanks.

  4. It's a habit worth cultivating and worth emulating.


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