Mating Disruption with sex pheromone, a novel pest control technology: A need for stewardship for its sustainability in agriculture
It is very disheartening to read the newspaper report on the 23 rd September 2021 that farmers in Bhatinda and Mansa have ploughed back their cotton crops (image) due to the infestation of pink bollworm. Similar cases of ploughing back the crop in soil have been reported in the past, as the pest insect has damaged the crop significantly despite insecticidal use. The pink bollworm has emerged as a key pest of Bt cotton in the past one decade as it has evolved resistance to both toxins and found congenial conditions to multiply in cotton ecosystem. The pest feeds on and bore inside the fruiting bodies, especially bolls that yield seed and lint (also called seed cotton), the very produce that we call “white gold” as it fetches cash to the farmers. Against this background, the approval in May, 2020 of commercial mating disruption formulation (PB Rope of Shin-Etsu Chem Co. Ltd., Japan) of sex pheromone (chemically a mixture in a ratio of 1.11:1.00, respectively of (Z, Z) and (Z, E)...