Mating Disruption with sex pheromone, a novel pest control technology: A need for stewardship for its sustainability in agriculture


It is very disheartening to read the newspaper report on the 23rd September 2021 that farmers in Bhatinda and Mansa have ploughed back their cotton crops (image) due to the infestation of pink bollworm. Similar cases of ploughing back the crop in soil have been reported in the past, as the pest insect has damaged the crop significantly despite insecticidal use. The pink bollworm has emerged as a key pest of Bt cotton in the past one decade as it has evolved resistance to both toxins and found congenial conditions to multiply in cotton ecosystem. The pest feeds on and bore inside the fruiting bodies, especially bolls that yield seed and lint (also called seed cotton), the very produce that we call “white gold” as it fetches cash to the farmers.

Against this background, the approval in May, 2020 of commercial mating disruption formulation (PB Rope of Shin-Etsu Chem Co. Ltd., Japan) of sex pheromone (chemically a mixture in a ratio of 1.11:1.00, respectively of (Z, Z) and (Z, E) 7,11-hexadecadienyl acetates) holds a great promise for the control of pink bollworm. It is a historic step in crop protection in India. This method saturates crop ecosystem with synthetic sex pheromone, which otherwise female moths would release for attracting males to mate. Male moths lose the tracks of female moths as they sense trails of sex pheromone everywhere and over the long period, unable to find female moths and mate with them to produce next generation. Alternately, male moths also lose their ability to sense pheromone as their sense organs remain overloaded to be of use again. The female moths may lay unfertilised eggs, but they do not produce next generation.  It is similar to population suppression using insect (often male) sterile technique, sterility achieved either through irradiation as in case of screw worm moth control first pioneered by E.F. Knipling and later in many other insects including pink bollworm or through genetic transformation using dominant lethal gene technique first pioneered by L. S. Alphey in early 2010s. The latter technologies do not interfere with mating but produce eggs as they are either unfertilised or carry lethal genes that cause their death.

This significant development of sex pheromone for mating disruption could also be viewed against the background of their normal use for monitoring pest incidence. And the pest monitoring has helped to time insecticidal sprays and other control tactics so that control of pests can be maximised and crop losses minimised. Occasionally, sex pheromones have been used for mass trapping of male insects to create male-deficient ecosystem so that female moths remain un-mated, consequently reducing the next generation.

Reportedly, mating disruption has been achieved with varying degree of success in pest insects of forest as well as fruit crops. However, there are limited cases of successes for pests of annual or season crops worldwide.

India was one of the few countries to carry out mating disruption studies on pink bollworm as early as 1980s, after the first commercial formulation based on hollow fibres was registered in 1978. Over the past four decades, many small as well as large scale experiments were carried out to test efficacy of various mating disruption formulations against pink bollworm in cotton. However, need for this technology was acutely felt as this pest has emerged as a national pest in 2010s. In 2021, the SABC, New Delhi and Agrovision foundation, Nagpur in collaboration with PI Industries as well as RASI Seeds Co. are evaluating this technology for control of pink bollworm in Maharashtra State over a large scale on the farmers’ fields. Besides, many more field trials are in offing.

It is well known that mating is a natural need for survival of species. And hence, there will be ways and means of circumventing the synthetic pheromonal cues by the male insects to find females for mating. For instance, males of many cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) populations respond differently to the same sex pheromone formulation. In other words, males perceive differences in sex pheromones as female populations geographically separated secrete differently. And this agility will help them overcome chemical cues to find mates. Reports of low catches of male moths vis-à-vis expected zero catches in the traps or presence of mated female moths give credence to this fact. Furthermore, cost effectiveness of this technology is very relevant in view of small farms, need for economy of costs of material and labour, and ability to use area-wide. Mating disruption formulation technology has improved a lot from the initial one, hollow fibres first registered in 1978 in USA to Shin-Etsu ropes and even programmable high emitting aerosol formulations thereby reducing labour costs of applications, where these matter; and improving release rate in terms of quantity per unit area per unit time, and also stability under field conditions. The paste formulations are being developed and may appear to be cheaper, but cost effectiveness may vary a lot.

As this method is novel, its sustainability will be of outmost important to all stakeholders.  And this will partially depend upon the answers for some of the following questions

1.      Can mass trapping (trapping and killing male moths) achieve the same results as mating disruption (confusing male moths so much that mating does not occur and die naturally)?

2.      If both achieve the same goal, which one is more cost effective?

3.      Since mass trapping is unregulated, will its prevalence affect efficacy of mating disruption nearby?

4.      Male moths are known to emerge earlier than female moths in a population of that location to increase chances of outcrossing, so essential for species survival. What is possibility of immigrant male moths from different geographic locations in the target area and interfering with success of mating disruption technology?

5.      Will male moths evolve different receptors or will male moths change perception of pheromonal cues quantitatively?

6.      Will female insects emigrate out of the confines of mating disruption and build up its population elsewhere to be a cause of concern?

7.      As females remain un-mated, will they evolve over a period of time an ability to produce and release different pheromonal composition?

8.      Are there mated males and females already in the confines of mating disruption?

9.      At what level of pest incidence should this technology be recommended?

10.  At what level of pest incidence or boll damage, should mating disruption technology be combined with insecticidal use?

11.  As the mating disruption technology is likely to be costlier, there will be question of minimum area that must be treated to be effective for pest suppression and also for cost effectiveness, and what logistics should there be to monitor success of this technology on a regular basis?

It is of outmost importance that the Government specifies ideal conditions for use of this technology to ensure its sustainability.

1.      Name of formulation, its active ingredients (incl isomers) and their proportion

2.      Minimum area of cotton crop to be used to achieve its maximal efficacy.

3.      Stability-No of applications or one-time use formulation during crop season

4.      Time of application during crop season in terms of age of crop

5.      Method of application-tieing, paste application, aerial sprays; and place of application on plants-leaves, bolls, etc. and spatial distribution in the field esp. guidelines on border rows.

6.      Means of monitoring its effectiveness like use of ‘standard traps’

7.      Time frame/age of crop when this technology be terminated

8.      Safety measures to be undertaken during its use

9.      Recommendation for use of insecticides and/or other control tactics, if moth catches in ‘standard traps’ exceed the set limit



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