Defending the motherland against the ruthless invader-flight or fight are only two options

 31 March 2022

Russia is waging a war with its neighbour, Ukraine. This began on 24 February as the Russian troops invaded it. For a long time, there were talks between two countries. Russia was and is wary of Ukraine joining the western powers in the power struggle between two blocks of Europe, viz., Russian and the rest of European. The latter transcends into a military alliance of most European states and Canada and the United States in the form of North Atlantic Treaty Organization, popularly called NATO to protect against the invader. NATO represents democratic, free states and is ideologically opposed to Russia which is communist, autocratic and closed society. Russia as a super power had ruled many of its neighbourhood countries in its last avatar, the United Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR). After the break-up of USSR in early 1990s, many of these states experienced freedom and charted the course in the form of government that they liked. As a fledgling democracy, Ukraine has been an independent democratic free country. It aspired to be a member of NATO as it meant security. But this is not what its big brother, Russia would like it to be.


                    State of war in Ukraine on 26 March 2022: Credit:

Russia’s invasion is largely opposed by majority of nations, with only five supporting it directly and country like India remaining neutral and advocating talk for peaceful settlement of disputes between Russia and Ukraine.

This war as it drags on, shows will and determination of people of Ukraine ably led by its President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He has refused to bow down to the dictates of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, whose demands include Ukraine’s refusal to join NATO, demilitarisation of the borders with Russia, and change of the President itself. For any sovereign country, these will not be acceptable. Ukraine has successfully dodged the Russian advances, despite suffering heavy losses. Although it is more than a month into this war, Ukraine refuses to surrender its sovereignty. The United States and others are indirectly helping Ukraine by providing military and other help and imposing sanctions on Russia so that the latter suffers financially. So far, the US and its allies have not directly participated in the war, nor have accepted the Ukraine’s request to declare the Europe as no-fly zone. This request would have meant directly participating in the war by not allowing Russians’ to fly over.

I remain glued to TV screen especially those broadcast by Aljazeera and BBC which are reporting from the war zone and also providing insights. Both TV channels are reporting extensively. More than 20 million Ukrainians, mostly women, old men and children have fled the country and are living as refugees in the neighbouring countries like Poland, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Maldova, Romania. Others like UK, Germany are accepting refugees more liberally.  Those who are left behind are living a pathetic life, suffering from the lack of basic facilities like food, water and shelter. Their houses are razed to ground and many live in fear underground. Similarly, infrastructure in the form of roads, malls, schools, commercial complexes and even hospitals have been targeted by Russia and are razed to ground.

This appears to be a war without victor and without loser. As such, it is likely to loom large over long time, as the Ukrainians are proving tough nuts to surrender.

In contrast to the formidable defence by the Ukraine, there was another war, run over by Taliban in Afghanistan last year which we saw. It is pathetic that the Afghan leadership provided by Ashraf Ghani was cowardice, despite having an experience and all-kind of help of the United States. Afghans had won the freedom from Taliban rule in 2002 and lived for two decades in a relatively free democratic country. Yet, they gave away their freedom so easily surrendering to the rustic, ruthless, barbaric Taliban rulers.

These two conflicts represent two different thoughts. One surrendered to the invader as it did not want bloodshed nor destruction. The other refuses to surrender, even sacrificing whatever it has to remain an independent sovereign nation. Price of surrendering its freedom is now felt by the people as they are denied their basic rights. Talibans, the current rulers of Afghanistan are implementing the century-old laws of Islam for governing their country. Is the price paid by Ukraine in defending its country too much as compared to loss of freedom and dignity by the people of Afghanistan?

It is people who will have to decide what kind of lives they want to live, one as free people or another as subjugated to the invader. 


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