Irony of life

Just a thought- A teacher performed MahaMruthyunjaya japa with planting of yantra (magical contraption) at a place or nearby where 25 people died in an accident over the Samruddhi Marg. A noble thought to prevent accidents. Result: He was later booked under the Prevention of Black Magic Act 2013. Some months back, we too had Gruh Pravesh puja (obeisance and associated ritual at the time of first-time entry into new home) and placed a vastu pratima (magical contraption for safety of home) under tile in a corner in our apartment. Result: I am too having a peace of mind since then and more so because we are not booked under the above Act. In the past, many pujas were performed officially to attain various objectives. Some months back, puja with yagya was performed in a very great institution for public goods so that the institution lasts long to serve people, and this beloved country (Vishwa Guru) becomes the great again or all time great. Result: Draw your own conclusion...