Know Your Customer

Last week, we got a form from our cooking gas supplier. I am told that it is essential that we fill in all details for getting regular service from the supplier. Besides normal name, address, contact details; it also asked for details of PAN, passport, ration card, Adhar UDAI, driving license id details from the employer-State/Central Govt, Voter's id etc etc. It also asked for details of bank account which was optional. I wonder as to how much information each Govt agency would like to collect from its clients. I decided not to part with these details. What is a guarantee that these details will be kept all confidential and not misused later ? Last year, there was a similar form from my Bank. I feel that each agency should give us what information is available of the client in their database. It will help to update it and keep only essential with them. I am sure you too feel the way I feel. Please raise your voice for this unnecessary intrusion especially as most Govt servants have furnished the details to one agency or another.


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