Smog in Delhi is an issue with all Delhites. And hence, every body is talking about it. Yesterday, the Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Mr Anil Dave told the media that 80% smog or pollution is state problem and 20% is due to burning of paddy and other crop residues by the neighbouring states like Haryana and Punjab. Burning of crop residues is banned. And yet farmers do it, because they need a source of fuel. And they need to clear the fields for next crop. It is unlike West or Australia where crop residue is ploughed back to degrade for rest of the year; as they normally take only one crop and in some case, land is cultivated on alternate year basis. Great, Isn't it ? A luxury in farming.
Delhi now can not pass the buck as smog is its 80% problem. It needs to evaluate polluting industries, vehicles on road, and decide what to do next. A slight rise in temperature with sunshine; wind flow-preferably upward could be blessings. But God is also choosy and does not favour those who specialize in blame game and running the Govt that people elected it to. So, Ishaar Allah tero naam; sabko sanmati de bhagvan.


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