What is it like to be in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)?

29 January 2021 What is it like to be in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the well-known super-speciality hospital? Most of my impressions of the ICUs are those images of Covid19 patients with so many medical gadgets on foreign TVs, and also of Indian hero or heroine being filmed with so many medical gadgets showing graphs or curves; and putting up a heroic fight to survive. Fortunately, I or my nears or dears did not have to be in ICUs, although we have had our share of visits to hospitals or being hospitalised for one or another ailment in the past. So, when my total knee replacement was planned, the surgeon informed me that I will be kept for a day in the ICU after surgery as per protocol. I told him that this is not the kind of emergency surgery, and I, being relatively healthy, may not need to be in the ICU. But hospitals have their own ways of taking care of patients and I fell in line with their protocol. After KCR surgery, my wife visited me briefly after six hours. I was ...