An art of giving an interview, even if nobody approaches you for it. Dedicated to India's fight against Covid19 pandemic


This is an interview that I gave to my planted questions. Most answers are “I do not know”. Here is an opportunity for you to make your opinion loud and clear.

1. What is immunity?

A: It is ability to tolerate or overcome infection of pathogen and thus do not get infected with disease

2. What is herd immunity

A: It is an ability of a discrete population to acquire an immunity across members.

3. How is herd immunity acquired

A: Either naturally in case the pathogen has variable level of causing less than fatal diseases or by vaccination (caveat-This could be wrong answer).

4. At what % of members of population will you say that population has now herd immunity

A: I do not know. Some say 80% acquiring it.

5. Will Govt of India be able to achieve herd immunity by mid-year 2021 or later, as it aims to vaccinate 30 Crore people by July?

A: I do not know. This is just 21.7% of total population.

6. Will vaccination of elderly people achieve herd immunity earlier than the vaccination of young-mid-aged people?

A: I do not know. If all elderly persons above 60 years of age in India are vaccinated, that will contribute only 8.6%. Probably not enough for herd immunity.

7a. Assuming that majority of population (above 60 or 70%) is vaccinated, will rest (30 or 40%) acquire immunity as they come in contact with immune persons?

A: I do not know.

7b. What will be fate of people (30-40%) not vaccinated if they come in contact with infection?

       will they get infected as easily as others?

 A: I do not know

 8. Is daily declining number of fresh Covid19 infections (16,375 on 4th Jan 21) from the peak of 97, 894 on the 16th Sept 2020 an indication of herd immunity acquired naturally?

A: I do not know.

 9. Despite large population, why India did not experience surge in covid19 infection similar to the countries in the West or USA?

A: I do not know.

 10. Is relatively young Indian population (65% of Indians below the age of 35 years) a reason for naturally tolerance to Covid19 infection?

11. Most Indians are less prone to diarhoea. Is this a case of herd immunity?

A: I do not know

12. Is it better to achieve immunity by using two different kinds of vaccine as compared to the same one jab at 21 or 28 days in sequence?

A: I do not know.


Photo: Credit-Nalini giving vaccine GoGoGoCovidAway to Govind citing Gayatri Mantra (Our dry run to prepare for the jab)


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