chhoti si baat (Small talk)
Chhoti si baat
Me: I need warm water for bathShe: It is summer now. Why do you need it?Me: true, yet I like warm water for bathShe: It is too quick for the Geyser to heat up these daysMe: Ok I am going to bathroomShe: It should have become quite hot by now.Me: I just switched on the geyser. Only few minutes in.She: I know, it is quite fast for geyser to heat up.Me: Ok, let me wait until I am sureShe: Ok, keep the geyser on as long as you want (with sarcastic tone)Me: OkShe: How does it matter even if electricity bill soar upMe: Don't worry, I will pay!She: (Retortingly) Yes, why should I worry?. I know you will pay what ever is that.Me: OkShe: Electricity supply is unending (snide remarks)Me: I know that. But it (a good bath with lot of warm water) is my chhota sa shauk (small hobby)She: Yes, you must complete your shauks, not matter what season it is, what reason is,Me: thanksShe: How does it matter if others are deprived (of this limited non-renewable resource)? [Putting blame squarely on me]Me: Look, I dont have give up to express my empathy with those who do not get warm water for bath.She: I know that.Me: Why should not I then enjoy this?She: Ok, enjoy to your heart content.Me: Not heart content, I dont want my heart to sink in water,She: Ok, to your body contentMe: enjoying with only two bucketful of warm waterShe: I take bath only with half a bucket. it is enough for me.Me: Yes, I know that. It is enough for you.She: It is sheer wastage of water to pour down.Me: I know that. You dont need as you are so slim (slight flash of humour)She: Why should you then use two buckets? You too don't need two bucketsMe: Simple, I am motabhai.She: look, you are not motabai.Me: What reason should I give you to satisfy? I am not at the wits' end.She: look, you dont look like Motabhai.Me: Oh, I know why you say that. You are Gujju and All Gujju love their motabhai.She: Yes, look what a great stateman and politician he is?Me: Yes. I know that.She: People are jealous, and hence call him motabhaiMe: Very true.She: He is working so hard with his master to keep India safeMe: I know that.She: This lockdown has helped India rein in Covid?Credit: Aajtak.indiatoday.inMe: What, Covind? Your really mean Covind...(with mischievous smile)She: I mean Covid, Corona virus. Not Covind. He is bhola and bhala manusMe: Yes he is. He is....(mischieveous of me), signs everything that comes his way.She: You don't need to drag any one in this.Me: Ok, yes, let us come back. Good opportunity for Motabhai and his master to performShe: Both are competent to deal with anythingMe: true, opportunity to get away with anythingShe: What do you mean?Me: under lockdown to lockup anythingShe: (showing signs of getting fed up) lockup yourself now in bathroomMe: Ok, Going to bathroomShe: Go Go Go....My cooker in kitchen is blowing its whistle.Me: Inside bathroom, Great going with hot to warm to luckwarm bath...Wat a reliefChoti si baat between me and my beloved wife.
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