Importance of time for us and them

Time just flies away. Yes, it does. But when do you realise it? More often in old age, when film of those years that you had acted in passes through your mind. I am father of two grown up children, who are in hurry as always or busy as always. And this realization occurred more often after I am retired.

Let us think of episodes in the past, just few days ago or few months ago when perception of time was different for you and them.

Me: Beta, I will be coming a bit late to receive you at the airport. You may have to wait.
Beta: Oh, I will have to wait that long....(wait might be just in minutes), but the expression is long enough to include miles and miles of wait (of course in hours or days).

[Constrast it with the wait you showed at the school gate to receive them; or in front of examination hall at the time of their board examinations or in front of college/University to procure the form for admission or just to drop at the school or college, as it was getting too late for she/he, or she/he has missed the school bus, or at the shopping mall until they decide to choose and buy the garments; or at the railway station or bus station until the train departs.]

Another episode could be

Beta: Papa/Mom takes long time to walk....
Me: You forgot the time when we patiently waited for you to take first steps to crawl and walk.

Or it could be this

Beta: why do you take so long to reply, or talk
Me: still in thoughts.....

When was the last time you asked your Beta what the matter (heard incoherantly or half-heard) is? And She/he replied with equal concern to you.

Probably, you may say, she/he does not want to bother you.....

Or Is she/he bothered that you asked your Beta?

[Probably, matter per se seems less important than time invested].

This reminds of a little Greek film between father and his son, sitting in their kitchen garden that I first got know through my whatsapp university. The old man repeatedly asks his son, what is it chirping. The son replies it is sparrow. The son is absorbed in reading newspapers and old man, probably short of memory, suffering from dementia, again asks his son about the bird. And now it is 3rd time that he asks his son who explodes to say it is sparrow, sparrow, sparrow. Angrily, he shouts as to how many times he has to say it is sparrow.
At this stage, old man gets up, fetches an old notebook and tell his son to read the para and read it loud. This para is about 3-year old son who asks his son as to what bird is. The father replies its' a sparrow. Everytime, 3-old son asks, the father says sparrow with hug. and this goes on 21-times.
It is at this stage, young son realises his mistake, hugs his father and say sorry.

Moral: A son perceives it as time wastage rather than time invested in his father who perceived it otherwise when his son was 3-year old.

WE are observing lockdown of 54 days due to coronavirus specifically Covid19 pandemic that confines most to their home. Today we are in day 49 and this is 3rd stage of lockdown. On one hand, we are hearing numerous stories of miseries of dailypaid labourers going back to their villages, increasing infection of people, hate stories for some, and even violent attacks on public health workers rightly called corona warriors, we also have some good news in the form of love, affection poured on the victims from unexpected sections of the society, recovery of patients, hope of novel treatments either from Ayurveda or allopathy through various means like immunity boosting or treatment of disease per se. Biomedical fraternity is working day and night to standardize methods of detection, and others with chemotherapy and vaccine identification to control the disease.

One important measure in the war against coronavirus is diagnostics. Two methods of diagnostics are currently in use. One is based up on RT-PCR which detects minute viral RNA quantity but takes long time to give results. Other one is based upon ELISA that detects antibodies as a result of infection, less sensitive, but is quick to give results.

War against coronavirus pandemic involves detection of infection in millions of people who may not not show symptoms in early stages at the earliest so that those with disease are quarantined, treated and ones who came into contact are traced and treated to ensure that infection does not spread further. USA carries out tests on about 250,000 daily. Probably the largest tests carried on any single day and so far in any country. And considering the number of tests, any improvement in detection efficiency is welcome.

It is heartening to know that RT-PCR test involving CRISPER technology has eased methodology to give results within hours. USA has given this test kit emergency-use permission too rather than following long-term evaluation method.

Unfortunately for a common man, it is difficult to understand and appreciate these technological developments in diagnostics. Is it possible for the scientists to simplify message about technology development so that masses appreciate these? It is only on understanding importance of these tests they will get widespread acceptance amongst masses. 

While I depended upon my near and dear, I got a pleasant surprise when someone from the private company answered my prayers and explained mechanism in simple terms. And it is matter of great pride to know further that our own, yes our own CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology has developed detection kit on similar principle and entered into collaboration with TATA Sons to commercialize it. That is time management of a person and eagerness to educate an ordinary folk like me for which I remain grateful.

I began with personal note on importance of time and found a pleasant surprise that someone found precious time for old guy like me.

Thank you Guru....You remain a torch bearer for the society we live in.

PS: Beta is equally applied to son and daughter affectionately and does not mean biasness sentiment-wise towards any gender, although term is literally musculine in nature.


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